Why Choose Us
We provide compassionate, culturally safe care and endeavour to provide families with more freedom and choice to birth their own way. If you choose us you could receive complete primary care, prenatal, labour and birth care and support and a minimum of 6 weeks of postpartum supportive care, with 24/7 direct to midwife on call support. We provide family programming, cultural teachings and traditions and respond to the unique needs of each individual family in order to pass on and maintain our traditional knowledge.

During the course of your care you will see the Onkwehón:we midwife, Onkwehón:we apprentice midwife and birth attendants at different times. This will allow you to develop a comfortable relationship with each of them so that at the time of your birth, they are the attending “female relative helpers” that traditionally assisted Indigenous women during birth.

New Born Exam
A comprehensive new born examination is performed on all newborn babies, ideally within 24 hours of birth. It is a head-to-toe thorough evaluation to identify any abnormality that would alter the normal newborn course or identify a medical condition that should be addressed (eg, anomalies, birth injuries, jaundice, or cardiopulmonary disorders, etc.)

Kenhtè:ke Midwives
Kontinenhanónhnha Tsi Tkahà:nayen

Welcome to Kenhtè:ke Midwives
An Onkwehón:we Midwifery Practice located on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

As Primary Healthcare Providers, Onkwehón:we midwives provide culturally appropriate maternal and newborn care to Indigenous families by harmonizing traditional and contemporary knowledge systems. By removing the fear of birth and allowing our bodies to do what the Creator intended, we are reclaiming the sovereignty of birth and strengthening ourselves, families, clans, communities and nations.
The community, family and the expectant woman are offered a choice of services that compliment and support personal beliefs and customs. We respect the strength and knowledge of birthing women and honour birth as a deeply profound and sacred ceremony.

About Us
Kenhtè:ke Midwives was established in 2012 with one Onkwehón:we Midwife, one Apprentice Onkwehón:we Midwife and one Birth Attendant. After many years spent advocating for funding, the Ministry of Health announced that Kenhtè:ke Midwives would be one of five new Aboriginal Midwifery Programs to receive government funding. With the help of this new funding, Kenhtè:ke Midwives opened the doors to our brand new clinic in June 2017 and have blossomed to include an active Board of Directors, Onkwehón:we Midwives, Onkwehón:we Apprentice Midwives, Supportive Care and Administrative team members.
Located on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, the birthplace of the Peacemaker, Kenhtè:ke Midwives offers Aboriginal Midwifery care and care of birthing families to all interested Inuit, Metis and First Nations families on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and surrounding areas. We aim to provide culturally appropriate care that sustains our way of life by birthing our children in the hands of our own people, on our land, using our language, traditions, culture and traditional medicines whenever possible.
Along with being an active Aboriginal Midwifery Practice, Kenhtè:ke Midwives also provides apprenticeship training for future Onkwehón:we Midwives. Kenhtè:ke Midwives also provides training programs for Birth Attendants and Doulas. Training opportunities and programs are posted as they become available.

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Where to find us
1979 York Road
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON
K0K 1X0