Our Services
The services we provide include:
Complete Prenatal Care
Complete Postpartum Care
Pap Test
Puberty/Moontime Teachings
Preconception Counselling
Infertility Information & Support
Women’s Health Issues (menopausal support, etc.)
Complete Labour & Birth Care
Well Baby Issues
Pregnancy Testing
24-Hour Breastfeeding Support
Female Traditional Self Care
Traditional Medicine
Traditional Parenting
Traditional Family Teachings
Traditional Counselling
Family/Maternal Resource Library
Schedule of Visits
Prenatal Care
(at your home or in the clinic)
Every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
Every 2 weeks from 28 – 36 weeks
Every week after 36 weeks
The majority of appointments will be done in your home to limit the risk of
transmission of covid 19 to you and our staff
Postpartum Care
1, 3, 5 & 10 Day visits at your home or hospital
3 & 6 Week visits at the Clinic
The majority of appointments will be done in your home to limit the risk of
transmission of covid 19 to you and our staff
Your prenatal visits last approximately 1 hour and can be done either at the clinic or at your home. Postpartum visits are about 1½ hours long. Between 36 and 38 weeks, you will have one scheduled preparatory visit at your home if you are planning a home birth. This will be the time when the family members who will be attending your birth can ask questions such as the equipment used by the Onkwehón:we midwife. Procedures for complications and emergencies will be explained.
During the course of your care you will see the Onkwehón:we midwife and the Onkwehón:we apprentice midwife at different times. This will allow you to develop a comfortable relationship with each of them so that at the time of your birth, they are the attending “female relative helpers” that traditionally assisted Indigenous women during birth. The Onkwehón:we midwife and Onkwehón:we apprentice midwife are aware of each client’s status and will be able to assist clients as needed. The Onkwehonwe midwives and apprentices are available to you on a 24 hour on call basis during your care to answer any questions or concerns
Care during labour, birth and immediate postpartum includes the assessment of labour progress, mom and fetal vital signs, comfort measures, assisting the birth of the infant and placenta, examination of the newborn and monitoring of the mom and baby’s condition during the immediate postpartum. For home and clinic births we stay with you and continue to provide support and care until it is apparent that both you and your baby are stable and healthy after birth
your appointments
When a baby is born, it is important and proper for the parents to welcome them to the earth so that they have a good life. The Mohawk people believe that it is necessary to have a name prepared for the baby so that the baby will know their family, their people and also the entire world as soon as they arrive here. Also, the entire world will know the baby and will support the baby throughout their lifetime with their power and support for however long the person will be on the earth. So they will say a speech to the baby as soon after that they have been born as is possible to welcome them. So, when they are born they are the most clear-minded and this is the most “Powerful & Vulnerable time.” The first few minutes of birth sets the stage for its entire life and our people understand this
Newborn Exams
This comprehensive examination is performed on all newborn babies, ideally within 24 hours of birth. It is a head-to-toe thorough evaluation to identify any abnormality that would alter the normal newborn course or identify a medical condition that should be addressed (eg, anomalies, birth injuries, jaundice, or cardiopulmonary disorders, etc.)
We offer a number of different programs for both clients and community members. Programs vary and change with the seasons but may include variations of the following:
Skirt Making
Moccasin Making
Water Drum and Rattle Workshops
Mom and Baby/Child Programs
Exercise Programs
Other Crafts & Programs to Encompass the Mind, Body & Spirit
A birth story
Onkwehón:we Midwifery roles during your pregnancy
Primary Care
Primary care means that the Onkwehón:we Midwives provide care to you and your family, which includes your prenatal visits, labour, birth and 6 weeks post partum care for you and your newborn. Your family physician will be involved in your care for non-pregnancy related issues only. Your care will be carefully monitored for signs of anything that is not normal. In the event of a potential complication, your Midwife will initiate a consultation with the appropriate specialist (i.e. Obstetrician, Paediatrician, etc.). Following your final postpartum visit, a summary of your birth and care will be sent to your family physician.
Supportive Care
supportive care means that we will take a secondary role in your care with the primary role being that of your obstetrician. This is indicated if the client wishes to birth in the hospital or is having a planned Caesarean section. We will provide as much or as little care and support as you would like. This can range from having supplemental appointments with us, having us attend your obstetrical appointments, having us provide postnatal support only or any other variation of services that suit your needs.
Home Birth or Clinic Birth
When it is indicated, clients have the option to birth out of hospital in their home or at our clinic. Clients will work with their Onkwehón:we Midwife to determine the most suitable location for their delivery. If a home or clinic birth is not indicated for the individual, arrangements will be made to transfer care to an obstetrician (if there is time) or to the hospital if needed.